Dr. Eduardo Holzapfel Hoces

Profesor Emérito
Ingeniero Agrónomo
Master of Science
Doctor of Phylosofhy
42 220 8810
Líneas de Investigación
Optimización de Recursos Hídricos en la Agricultura
Sistemas de Riego
2013-2023. CRHIAM/FONDAP/CONICYT N°15130015. CHRIAM “Recursos Hídricos para la agricultura y minería “
Publicaciones recientes
J.Jara, E.Holzapfel, M.Billib, JL.Arumí, OLagos y D.Rivera. 2017. Effec of water application on wine quality and yield in “Carmenere” under the presence of a shallow water table in Central Chile. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research. 77(2) 171-179. DOI: 10.4067/s0718-58392017000200171.
Eduardo Holzapfel, Jorge Alves de Souza, Jorge Jara, Hugo Carvallo Guerra. 2017. Responses of avocado production to variation in irrigation levels Irrigation Sci. 35:205–215 DOI 10.1007/s00271-017-0533-0.
Viviana Gavilán, Mario Lillo-Saavedra, Eduardo Holzapfel, Diego Rivera and Angel García-Pedrero. 2019. Seasonal Crop Water Balance Using HarmonizedLandsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data Water, 11, 2236; doi:10.3390/w11112236
Kuschel-Otarola. M. D. Rivera, E. Holzapfel, C. Palma, and A Godoy 2018. Multiperiod optimisation of irrigation crops under different conditions of water availability. Water 10, 1434.
Souto, C.; Lagos, O.; Holzapfel, E.; Maskey, M.L.; Wunderlich, L.; Shapiro, K.; Marino, G.; Snyder, R.; Zaccaria, D. A Modified Surface Energy Balance to Estimate Crop Transpiration and Soil Evaporation in Micro-Irrigated Orchards. Water 2019, 11, 1747; doi: 10.3390/w11091747.
Mathias Kuschel-Otárola , Niels Schütze , Eduardo Holzapfel ,Alex Godoy-Faúndez , Oleksandr Mialyk and Diego Rivera. 2020. Estimation of Yield Response Factor for Each Growth Stage under Local Conditions Using AquaCrop-OS. Water, 12, 1080; doi:10.3390/w1204108.