Dr. Johannes De Bruijn

Profesor Asociado
Ingeniero en Alimentos
Master of Biotechnology
Doctor en Ciencias de la Ingeniería c/m Ingeniería Química
Línea de investigación:
Ciencias y tecnología de bebidas fermentadas y no fermentadas
Proyectos de investigación en ejecución:
· "Photocatalytic oxidation of ethylene emissions from fruit cold-storage facilities under simulated Sunlight irradiation using reduced graphene oxide modified anatase black TiO2 nanostructures with exposed {001} at low-temperature and high relative humidity". Fondecyt Regular No. 1200858. Co-investigador. En ejecución desde 1 de abril de 2020 hasta 31 de marzo de 2024.
· “Consorcio Tecnológico del Agua CoTH2O, Una gestión integrada de recursos hídricos”, Investigador, CORFO 2OCTECGH-145896. Desde 1 de mayo de 2022.
· “Desarrollo y aplicación de polvo, fibra y extracto colorante-antioxidante obtenidos a partir de cáscara de pitahaya mediante tecnología verde asistida por ultrasonido como insumo sustituto de grasa y colorante natural en salchicha de carne de alpaca”. Co-investigador, ProCiencia (Fondecyt) CONCYTEC, Perú. No. 051-2021. En ejecución desde 1 de julio 2021 hasta 30 de junio 2023. (Sol P: 601.310).
1. De Bruijn, Johannes, Alejandro Venegas and Rodrigo Bórquez, 2002. “Influence of Crossflow Ultrafiltration on Membrane Fouling and Apple Juice Quality”. Desalination Vol. 148, p. 131-136.
2. Cañumir, J.A., J.E. Celis, J. de Bruijn and LV. Vidal, 2002. “Pasteurisation of Apple Juice by Using Microwaves”. Lebensm. Wiss. u.-Technol. Vol. 35, No 5, p. 389-392.
3. De Bruijn, J.P.F., A. Venegas, J.A. Martínez and R. Bórquez, 2003. “Ultrafiltration Performance of Carbosep Membranes for the Clarification of Apple Juice”. Lebensm. Wiss. u.-Technol. Vol. 36, No 4, p.397-406.
4. De Bruijn, J., F.N. Salazar and R. Bórquez, 2005. “Membrane blocking in ultrafiltration: a new approach to fouling”. T.I.Ch.E., Part C: Food and Bioproducts Processing. Vol. 83, No. C3, p. 211-219.
5. De Bruijn, J. and R. Bórquez, 2006. “Analysis of the fouling mechanisms during cross-flow ultrafiltration of apple juice”. Food Sci. Technol. – LWT. Vol. 39, No 8, p. 861-871.
6. Salazar, F.N., J.P.F. de Bruijn, L. Seminario, C. Güell y F. López, 2007. “Improvement of wine crossflow microfiltration by a new hybrid process”. J. Food Eng. Vol. 79, No 4, p. 1329-1336.
7. De Bruijn, J., C. Loyola, A. Flores, F. Hevia, P. Melín and I. Serra, 2009. “Protein stabilisation of Chardonnay wine using trisacryl and bentonite: a comparative study”. Intern. J. Food Sci. Technol. Vol. 44, No. 2, 330-336.
8. De Bruijn, J., A. Valdebenito, C. Loyola, I. Serra, F. Salazar and F. López, 2009. “Continuous stabilization of Chardonnay with ion-exchange resin: Influence on protein and phenolic profiles of wine”. Chilean J. Agric. Res. 69 (1), p. 54 – 59.
9. De Bruijn, J., J. Martínez-Oyanedel, C. Loyola, J. Seiter, F. Lobos and R. Pérez-Arias, 2011. “Fractionation of Sauvignon wine macromolecules by ultrafiltration and diafiltration: Impact of protein composition on white wine haze stability”. Intern. J. Food Sci. Technol. 46(8), p. 1691-1698.
10. De Bruijn, J., J. Martínez-Oyanedel, C. Loyola, F. Lobos, J. Seiter, and R. Pérez, 2011. “Impact of white wine macromolecules on fractionation performance of ultrafiltration membranes”. J. Int. Sci. Vigne Vin. 45(3), p. 181-188.
11. De Bruijn, J. and R. Bórquez, 2014. “Quality retention in strawberries dried by emerging dehydration methods”. Food Res. Intern. 63 (part A), p. 42-48.
12. De Bruijn, J.P.F., M.C. Loyola, J.L. Arumí and J.A. Martínez, 2014. “Effect of non-protein factors on heat stability of Chilean Sauvignon Blanc wines”. Chilean J. Agric. Res. 74 (4) p. 490 - 496.
13. Aguilar, T., C. Loyola, J. de Bruijn, L. Bustamante, C. Vergara, D. von Baer, C. Mardones and I. Serra, 2016. “Effect of thermomaceration and enzymatic maceration on phenolic compounds of grape must enriched by grape pomace, vine leaves and canes”. European Food Research and Technology. 242 (7), p. 1149-1158.
14. De Bruijn, J., F. Rivas, Y. Rodríguez, C. Loyola, A. Flores, P. Melín and R. Bórquez, 2016. “Effect of vacuum microwave drying on the quality and storage stability of strawberries”. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 40 (5), p. 1104-1115.
15. Martínez, R., N. Valderrama, J. Moreno, and J. de Bruijn, 2017. “Aroma characterization of grape juice enriched with grapevine by-products using thermomaceration”. Chil. J. Agric. Res. 77 (3), p. 234-242.
16. Aguilar, T.; de Bruijn, J.; Loyola, C.; Bustamante, L.; Vergara, C.; von Baer, D.; Mardones, C.; Serra, I., 2018. “Characterization of an Antioxidant-Enriched Beverage from Grape Musts and Extracts of Winery and Grapevine By-Products”. Beverages. Vol. 4(1), 4.
17. Zapana, F., J. de Bruijn, L. Vidal, P. Melín, M.E. González, G. Cabrera, P. Williams, and R. Bórquez, 2020. “Physical, chemical and nutritional characteristics of puffed quinoa”. Intern. J. Food Sci. Technol. 55, p. 313-322.
18. de Bruijn, J., Gómez, A., Melín, P., Loyola, C., Solar, V., Abreu, N., Azzolina-Jury, F., Valdés, H., 2020. “Use of copper- and zinc-modified natural zeolite to improve ethylene removal and postharvest quality of tomato fruit”. Crystals. 10, 471; doi:10.3390/cryst10060471