Dr. Sebastián Krogh

Profesor Asociado
Ingeniero Civil
Master en Recursos hídricos y Medioambiente
Doctor en Geografía
42 220 8804
Líneas de InvestigaciónHidrología de Cuencas de Montaña, Modelación Hidrológica, Cambio Climático, Análisis de Recursos Hídricos

2021-2023. Proyecto CORFO: Consorcio para la Tecnología del Agua (CoTH2O), Banco de Información de Recursos Hídricos.
2021-2022. Proyecto CNR: Diagnóstico Fuente Hídrica Riego Agrícola, Secano Interior Maule.
2019-2020. Proyecto de Investigación Postdoctoral Becas-Chile: ¨The Effect of Forest Thinning on Snow Accumulation and Melt¨, University of Nevada, Reno.
Publicaciones recientes
Krogh, S.A. and J. Pomeroy, 2021: Simulating site-scale permafrost hydrology: sensitivity to modelling decisions and air temperature, Journal of Hydrology, August, 602, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126771
Scaff, L., A. Prein, Y. Li, S. A. Krogh, N. Taylor, C. Liu, R. Rasmussen, K. Ikeda, Z. Li, 2021: Dryline characteristics in North America's historical and future climates, Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-05800-1.
-Highlighted by Nature Climate Change, August 2021, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-021-01116-4
Krogh, S. A., P. Broxton, P. Manley, and A. Harpold, 2020: Using Process Based Snow Modelling to Predict the Effect of Forest Thinning on the Sierra Nevada Snowpack, Frontiers in Forest and Global Change. DOI: 10.3389/ffgc.2020.00021.
Harpold, A., S. A. Krogh, M. Kohler, D. Eckberg, J. Greenberg, G. Sterle, and P. Broxton, 2020: Increasing the Efficacy of Forest Thinning for Snow Using High-Resolution Modeling: A Proof of Concept in the Lake Tahoe Basin, Ecohydrology. DOI: 10.1002/eco.2203.
- Highlighted by the BAMS Bulletin, June 2020, Issue 6, page 479.
Aygun, O., C. Kinnard, S. Campeau, and S. A. Krogh, 2020: Shifting hydrological processes in a Canadian agroforested catchment due to a warmer and wetter climate, Water, 12(3), 739. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/w12030739.
Krogh, S. A., A. Harpold, and P. Broxton, 2020: Towards a decision support tool for understanding the effect of forest thinning on the Sierra Nevada snowpack, Proceedings of the 87th Annual Western Snow Conference, Reno, NV, USA
Krogh, S. A. and J. Pomeroy, 2019: Impact of future climate and vegetation on the hydrology of an Arctic headwater basin at the tundra-taiga transition, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 20, 197-215, DOI: 10.1175-D-18-0187.1.